Please bring the completed office paperwork or give yourself enough time to complete the paperwork prior to your appointment time. Your first visit is approximately 45 minutes. During this time, we will review pertinent medical, surgical, and trauma history and perform an Osteopathic Structural Exam.

The treatment techniques can range from extremely gentle Cranial Osteopathy to vigorous Myofascial Release or High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA) Manipulation. Most treatments are performed with you lying on your back, on your side, face down, or seated. Please let the office staff know ahead of time if you are uncomfortable or unable to be in a certain position. We will accommodate you to your level of comfort. After treatment, you may feel relaxed as your body shifts toward a new normal. Temporary soreness may occur, but it can be mitigated with ample hydration to remove stagnant metabolic waste.

Please drink plenty of water.

Follow-up appointments generally last 30 minutes. Longer follow-up appointments are available upon request, or may be required depending on treatment response. There is no set prescription for treatment time or the number of treatments required to achieve your goals. Each treatment is unique. We make every attempt to completely resolve your complaint in as few appointments as possible. Each treatment is tailored to you, where you are now, and where you want to be. Health maintenance is a foundation of the practice. We encourage you to consider Osteopathic treatment as an indispensable part of your self care regimen.

Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. No short skirts, or loose fitting blouses, please. Lastly, please refrain from wearing any perfumes, colognes, oils, hair sprays, or other strong scents as some patients are sensitive or allergic to these triggers.

Please use good hygiene and do not smoke prior to your appointment.


State of the Art Technology

Using GE VENUE 50 Point of Care ultrasound technology, you can be assured you will receive the best value for your medical dollar. Ultrasound guidance ensures the therapy is delivered precisely to the damaged tissue.

Conditions Frequently Treated:

Asthma, autonomic issues, back and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic pelvic pain, degenerative arthritis, dyspareunia, digestive issues, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, joint and extremity pain, migraine and tension headaches, neuropathy, postural imbalance, plantar fasciitis, pregnancy related musculoskeletal pain, rheumatological conditions, sciatica, scoliosis, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), vertigo, and vestibular dysfunction

Services Rendered and Performed:

Cranial Osteopathy (CST), e-stim, Functional Medicine, infusion therapy, nutritional counseling, Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), Perineural Injection Treatment (PIT), Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), Trigger Point Injections, and Ultrasound Guided Injection Therapy.

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